Menginjak ke usia 4 bulan, pd aku haruslah bersedia dgn ilmu2 solid foods pulak..sbb antara 4-6 bulan adalah waktu2 yg biasanya baby boleh diperkenalkan dgn solid foods..impian aku biarlah bila usianya 6 bulan baru nk for the mean time, susu ibu sudah cukup!
Mungkin ramai yg tidak bersetuju..malah ada yg sudah memperkenalkan solid foods seawal 4 bulan..up to u beb! u know better ur baby rite?? jd kenapa aku pun xturut serta bg seawal 4 bulan??
Mari kita semak samada sesuai or xsesuai. Here are new sign that indicates ur baby is ready for solid foods:
Loss of tongue-thrust reflex - This allows baby to drink and swallow liquids with ease; with the tongue-thrust reflex still present, baby may simply drink in liquid purees or push the food back out. According to Dr. Jim Sears, in the first four months the tongue thrust reflex protects the infant against choking. When any unusual substance is placed on the tongue, it automatically protrudes outward rather than back. Between four and six months this reflex gradually diminishes, giving the glob of cereal a fighting chance of making it from the tongue to the tummy - yg ni ader xlulus
Ability to let you know she is full from a "meal" with signs such as turning away from the bottle or breast. This is important so that baby is able to self-regulate the amount of food being eaten. This helps stop baby from accidentally overeating as parents may continue to feed baby thinking that she is still hungry. - yg ni plak mcm selalu, ok noted!
Ability to sit up and hold head up unassisted - she is very happy when i sit her up n yes she can hold her head, once again noted!
Interest in your food (we tend to disagree with this one as when a baby reaches the age of 4-6 months, he is interested in putting everything in his mouth.) - ha yg ni paling ketara
Doubling of birth weight - yg ni plk xlulus sbb berat lahir 3.32kg n now she gain 5.6kg
Frequently waking in the middle of the night when a solid sleeping pattern had been established. This may not be the best indicator that your baby is ready for solids. Please keep in mind that a growth spurt will occur between 3-4 months of age, 6-7 months of age and also 9-10 months of age. Baby may also be waking due to an illness or teething.- erm mmg dia kerap bgn skrg ni tp sperti yg diberitahu this may not be the best indicator
solid food husna..penumbuk kecil
naurah start solid masa umo dia 5months+. itu pon sebab dia asek dok tengok org makan pastu dok buat mcm kunyah2. kesian sgt tengok. hehe..
mule bg puree pear jer. kerut2 dia makan sbb masam sket kan. beli yg ready made dlm bottle tu jer. huhuh. kejap je dia nak. lama2 nk makan bubur pulak. lansong xnk puree dh. huhuh
Kakak Husna start makan umur 5bulan 8hari. Tak sabar sangat nak bagi dia makan. Tapi dia memang suka sangat makan.
comel oenumbuk husna. hehe. kakal start solid nak masuk 6 bln. mula² bagi farleys rusk yang dicairkan. mmg laju je dia masuk mulut. tapi kekok je tgk 1st time kan.
dah boleh mula la tgk resepi baby yana. :)
saya rasa baby should start solid food mmg after 6 month, susu ibu mmg dah ok utk baby until dat age.. at d same time baby lagi sihat and susah dpt sakit if minum susu ibu ni.. doc n nurses pun advise supaya baby minum susu ibu until 6 mnth.. saya pun brazam nak breastfeed my baby until 6 month.. and klau bleh dpt minum susu badan ni smpi umur 2 thn.. so, gud luck to u too..
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